Dear readers,

As many of you are already aware, you are currently unable to pin images from our website or even visit links to previously saved images from our website on Pinterest. Some of you have even emailed us asking the reason for it. The truth is we don’t really know. On January 15th, we received an automated email from Pinterest saying that they have suspended our Pinterest account because they noticed spam activity. Even after multiple queries, Pinterest wouldn’t elaborate on what specific activity that lead to this ban or point out to us a single instance of spam activity that they have noticed from our website or Pinterest account.

As a website that started in 2008 and as one sharing an ideal with Pinterest of NOT spamming users, this was quite hurtful. Don’t get us wrong, we believe Pinterest absolutely has every right to defend their platform against abuse but we sincerely believe we have been caught in this crossfire by accident. Surely, as an account that has 600,000+ subscribers on Pinterest that engage with our content regularly, we are not alone in thinking that?

We have a favour to ask you, our dear reader. We have hope that if a sufficient number of people send an appeal to Pinterest that we have been incorrectly flagged, there is a chance that they will lift the ban on our account and website. So if you enjoy our content, we would appreciate it very much if you could spare a moment to file an appeal with Pinterest by visiting this link.


The process is super simple and here are some screenshots to help.

Thank you so much for your time!


Team Home Designing

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