6 Ways To Create A Comfy And Sustainable Bedroom

With the ongoing pandemic restrictions, people spend more time at home than before. Hence, it’s more than understandable why many people continue to enhance and make unique modifications to their homes. Remarkably, the bedroom gets more attention as it’s somebody’s haven where they can sleep, rest, watch TV, or even work.
You can turn your relaxing haven into a sustainable room by opting for eco-friendly and green elements. After all, adopting a green lifestyle is a rising trend these days. Whether you’re joining the bandwagon or want to decrease your carbon footprint, you can spruce up your bedroom and make it a sustainable but comfortable place.
Here are some ways to kickstart your green living through decorating a sustainable bedroom:
Choose Eco-Friendly Furniture
Due to the increasing awareness about global warming and other environmental issues, many people try to adopt a greener lifestyle. Thus, this explains the new wave of eco-friendly furniture. These household and bedroom items are derived and crafted with sustainable materials and processed in ways that don’t harm the environment. Because of these reasons, many homeowners prefer them.
You can reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing eco-friendly furniture. From cabinets and dressers to chests and nightstands, you can find a wide selection of sustainable furniture in the market today. You can shop for chest of drawers in Australia made from all-natural sturdy materials like oak, walnut, or teak.
Even a tiny deed such as this can help save the planet in many ways. Eco-friendly bedrooms resemble a minimalist style, so you can go for smaller-sized furniture, as they look great with your style and consume fewer materials.
Buy A Natural Mattress
Perhaps one of the most crucial elements in your bedroom is your mattress. And one can’t argue about that since everyone spends at least a third of their day reenergizing through sleep. A comfortable bed will undoubtedly improve your health, and a sustainable bedroom is built on the foundation of an eco-friendly mattress. Not to mention, this is one of the best tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
To ensure that your mattress is sustainable, you can look for its components and materials. Ensure that it doesn’t use pesticides, polyurethane, dangerous chemicals, and other synthetic materials harmful to the environment.
You can rest peacefully, in the most literal sense. Always go for organic materials like cotton, wool, or bamboo. These are the most famous organic bed materials approved by environmentally friendly consumers. Sure, they could cost heftier initially, but they’re comfortable, healthy, and harmless to the environment.
Go For Organic Pillows
Aside from the mattress, the next big decision is to choose the best sustainable pillows. After all, these contribute a lot to your quality of sleep. Starting your eco-friendly journey by switching to organic ones effectively embraces a green lifestyle. Much like your mattress, you need to avoid harmful substances like polyurethane. Although these are cheaper than organic materials, they can pose health threats to your lungs and nose due to the gases they emit when lying down on them at night.
It’s a wise idea to shell out more money and get the best value for it when it comes to your health and for the sake of the environment. Wool, cotton, latex, and bamboo pillows are ideal choices for organic pieces. Keeping your organic pillow long-lasting means that they’re cleaned and maintained as required.
It is essential to switch to organic pillows and keep them clean and disinfected with natural disinfectants. It will also save you from inhaling dust mites, bacteria, and other invisible particles that can aggravate allergens. You’ll surely get a good night’s sleep, feeling content and healthy.
Paint Using No-VOC Paints
Another way to make your bedroom more sustainable is to change the paints you use when you decide on repainting the walls and ceilings. You can opt for no-VOC (no volatile organic compounds) paints, as this is the best way to help save the environment. These paints are all-natural and water-based, which means that your family won’t suffer from a stuffy nose due to the smell of a fresh layer of color in the bedroom. A no-VOC paint does not emit any harmful toxins, making it safe for you and your family to apply and repaint the bedroom all by yourself.
No-VOC paints also don’t have any disgusting smell, and they offer the same diverse color choices as standard paints. You can enjoy yourself and choose whatever shade you want for your bedroom. Manufacturers of no-VOC paints apply environmentally friendly procedures to keep these natural paints eco-friendly. When it comes to their quality and longevity, these colors also don’t fade or discolor over time. Therefore, it’s the best decision you’ll ever make when repainting your bedroom.
Lay Down Some Eco-Friendly Rugs
Many people often think of how harmful carpets and rugs are produced to the environment. However, there are also organic and eco-friendly ones. Contrary to those made of plastic fibers and polyester, some rugs are handcrafted from organic materials and fibers. Even the creation is done through handiwork and not by machines, making the piece a work of art.
Imagine displaying 100% cotton rugs on your bedroom floor and feeling that sense of contentment when you place your foot soles on the surface. Such ethical rugs make it unique and a great addition to your green bedroom. They’re worth every penny indeed.
Install LED Lights
Another step to creating a greener bedroom is to change your old lighting. Replace your old lighting with LED lights and reduce your electricity bills. Traditional lights consume quite a bit of electricity. On the other hand, LED lights shine brighter but don’t consume a lot of wattages. They’re also long-lasting, so you don’t have to keep buying new ones for replacements. With a plethora of LED lighting choices, you can install them in all the lighting fixtures in your bedroom.
Another way to make your bedroom more sustainable is to refrain from using electrical lightbulbs. You can do this by inviting more natural light through your windows. Please turn on the lights only when you need them, and rely on natural light to illuminate the room. You can install thin fabrics of curtains on your windows, enough to cover dusty elements but invite fresh air and sunlight during the day.
Concerning the rest of the bedroom appliances, ensure they’re as eco-friendly as possible. If applicable, you can eliminate air-conditioner use and go for an electric fan instead. If you live in a cooler climate, this is an eco-friendlier choice. However, if it’s necessary to own more appliances, ensure to go for energy-efficient ones. Many high-quality brands offer high star ratings that determine electricity savings when using them.
Walking the green path is more of a commitment and a choice. You can reflect your lifestyle choices in your bedroom. There are many effective ways to turn your haven into a sustainable place that is healthy and comfortable. You can create an eco-friendly, relaxing, and beautiful room with the tips mentioned above. It’s all a matter of research and planning to achieve your eco-friendly dream bedroom.