7 Reasons Why We Hold Onto Clutter

We Hold Onto Clutter Because We Inherited It

Without question, stuff that holds sentimental meaning is difficult to get rid of.

But truthfully, if something is near + dear to your heart, let’s make it a part of your home instead of hiding it in plastic containers stored in the attic, garage or basement.

What better way to create a lasting memory of those you love than to showcase what’s important to you in your home cryptomasterpro.

We Hold Onto Clutter Because It Reminds Us Of…

Similarly, we often hold onto things because they remind us of something.

Sometimes that’s a place we visited, a time in our lives that in retrospect feels transformational or it reminds us of someone.

So, we hold onto it because it’s part of us.

But are those happy memories? If so, why is it collecting dust? Why not incorporate it into your everyday life. Think about the warm-tingly feel-good joy you’ll have every time you see or use it. You’ll literally be transported back to a moment in your life that’s worth cherishing.

How often do you really honor those moments if that special thing is stuffed inside a closet? Not often.

And if it’s not such a good feeling that’s conjured up, why hold onto it?

Sometimes grief can hold us back from getting rid of things. But it can often be the removal of physical belongings that frees us of the mental + emotional clutter too.

If this is the case, toss it. No one likes to get weepy or feel like crap over something that happened in our past. Let that bad ju-ju go boo!

We Hold Onto Clutter Because It Was A Gift

This is something we’re all probably familiar with.

Nothing’s worse than having a guilty conscience that comes from trying to get rid of something that truthfully… we really don’t want, we never asked for, + honestly, never would’ve bought for ourselves.

Still, for whatever god-forsaken-reason, someone near and dear to us felt oh-so obliged to share it with us in the form of a gift *cue the crickets!*

Yep, we’ve all been there before. You’re opening the gift…the polite, sideways smile + a forced surge of agonizing excitement. HAHA!

So why, if we don’t want or even have need for this special little something, do we have such a hard time letting it go?

Well, that’s because we’re greeted with an overwhelmingly gut-wrenching level of guilt because we want nothing more than to get rid of it.

Trust me, you’re not alone so re-gifting or donating it to a charitable organization is a great way to ensure that your ‘oh so special something’ gets into the hands of someone who’ll truly love, adore + appreciate it.

We Hold Onto Clutter Because We Paid Good Money For It

Werk it boo!

You bought a pair of killer boots but fast forward 6-months later + they still have tags on them…been there done that!

Just because you spent quite a bit to buy a pair of strappy Louboutin pumps or must have Jimmy Choo’s doesn’t mean you should continue paying the physical, emotional + mental price tag that having them (only to sit in your closet + look pretty) may cause.

Past mistakes around what you need shouldn’t clutter your home or wellbeing.

Instead, consider reselling or (if possible, returning them) to free yourself, sista!

We Hold Onto Clutter Because We Might Be Able To Sell It

Selling your belongings is almost always the slowest way to remove clutter from your home.

But we get it, living in the world of OfferUp, eBay, Facebook MarketPlace (or is it Meta Marketplace now… shhh) there’s a lot of options.

Typically, what we see is unless you’ve mastered patience, are willing to commit some serious time or are already an avid reseller on some platform, then most likely beyond asking a few friends you’re best saving the hassle + donating it.

We know that can be difficult for some people.

However, bask in the warm + fuzzy, win-win feeling of knowing that someone will get to use it the way you intended to. That it will make them feel a certain way.

Below, we’ll talk about donations. So hold on a minute.

We Hold Onto Clutter Because Someone Might Want It

I have to tell you, because I’m a straight shooter, that the whole stalling strategy isn’t a good look on ya!

If you think a friend, your neighbor, a certain charity or someone else you know might want it… that’s great. Get them on the horn, as my father-in-law always says, and ask them!

If they do, then make arrangements + give it to them ASAP!

Otherwise heck, you might as well post an ad on Facebook promoting your new side hustle of being someone else’s storage unit *wink*

Like we’ve mentioned before, when it comes to clutter, the ‘someone-might-want-it’ pile accumulates fast + before you realize it, it gets out of control.

We Hold Onto Clutter Because I’m Saving It For My Kids

I can’t remember a single time when I ever asked my parents for something they owned or for something that was from their childhood (still love ya mom!)

Have you? Likely, not.

This means your kids probably won’t want it either.

Now, like anything, there are certainly some exceptions.

So, if there’s something you feel they might want, by all means, ask them (especially if they are adults). If they want it…give it to them.