Meeting Your Spirit Guide – Get to Know Your Friend in Spirit


Spirit guides are entities assigned to watch over us while we’re here.

We all have spirit guides. They’re our friends and guardians, our teachers and companions. Some of us (I speak for myself), really put them to the test, but no matter what, they’ll always be there to love, support and protect you.

A spirit guide has lived a life on earth, and we may have even lived a life with them. They know us better than we know ourselves and they assist us throughout our lives to learn valuable life lessons.

Some people have just one guide while others have many.

Your master spirit guide will be with you your entire life while others come and go depending upon what’s going on in your life and the lessons you’re learning.

You can ask for your spirit guide to make themselves known to you. They may come to you in a dream, during meditation or when you least expect it.

Don’t expect to actually see your guide.

Sometimes they’ll appear as a white mist, a cold or warm sensation or a buzzing in your ears. It’s different for everyone. You don’t have to be psychic or spiritual to connect with your guides.

I have several spirit guides, each one very different from the other.

Kajeda is a Japanese woman who is very slight and about 4 ft. 10 inches tall. She wears the traditional Japanese clothing and wooden shoes and has black hair that is pulled back.

She came to me during a meditation. Kajeda is straight and to the point when answering my questions.

Here is the answer I got from Kajeda recently when I asked her a question.

Kajeda, what is your primary purpose in my life?

“My purpose is to help you complete your goals. Without focus you are like a leaf in the wind. You must concentrate on that which is put before you. Your life lessons are many, embrace them. I am here to help you.”

I have another guide named Big Bear who is Native American. I’ve never seen him but he has a gentle presence about him. Here is his message to me.

“I am here to nurture you and comfort you during times of stress. My wisdom and clarity will diminish your thoughts of fear and help guide you on your path. I am here for you always.”

Theo is my master spirit guide. I see him as a white light and have never seen his features. He’s my primary guide and I feel him around me all the time.

Theo: “I am here as your soul friend and companion during your time here on earth. My role covers many areas but my primary role is to guide you to new destinies and help you avoid that which will hinder your progress. Call on me in a moment’s notice.”

Then there’s Annabelle. She’s my Joy Guide. We all have joy guides and they’re usually younger souls. They’re here to lift us up and brighten our spirits when life is getting too serious.

Lori: Annabelle, what’s your purpose in my life?

Annalbelle: “Who else is gonna make you laugh?”

If you want a sign from your spirit guide, just ask. They’re as anxious to communicate with you as you are with them.

For instance, ask your guide his name. You may hear it, see it in your mind’s eye or perhaps you’ll see the same name in several different places. If you do, that’s your answer.

Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get their name right away. Be patient and it will come to you. Discover many more exercises and tools that will help you connect with spirit.

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